How tiny sperm migrate long distance in female tract to fertilize eggs?

Life is newly created by the physiological event, fertilization, which is achieved first by meeting haploid germ cells from male and female, sperm and eggs. In mammals, sperm ejaculated into female reproductive tract navigate to fertilizing site to meet the eggs. Round haploid germ cells generate cilia-like sub-organelle, flagella (sperm tail), during testicular development. Using this cilia-like organelle, mature sperm sense external environment to acquire fertilizing ability called capacitation to modulate signaling cascades and motility pattern for their successful journey to the eggs in female tract. Therefore, normal development and functional regulation of the sperm flagella is essential for male fertility. Thus, we aim to understand and acquire fundamental answers for the

1) how sperm flagella is developed and compartmentalized in testis?


2) how sperm motility is determined by the signaling pathways

for the successful migration and fertilization of sperm in female reproductive tract.